Hermed en invitation til en temadag i Specialrådgivningens ERASMUS+-projekt og samarbejde med den slovenske organisation DLAN. Denne gang bliver det afholdt som både et virtuelt og fysisk event på UCN i Aalborg, hvor der foruden vores slovenske gæster og os selv også vil være en repræsentant fra FDDB, der vil give et spædende oplæg.

Vi glæder os til en interessant og lærerig dag sammen!

Welcome to a theme day that focuses on how important it is for people with deafblindness that the dual impairment they are challenged with is recognised as a distinct functional impairment.

The day will contain different presentations that cover these topics:
∙ The work of the Deafblind Association of Slovenia DLAN on getting deafblindness recognised as a distinct disability
∙ A Nordic project on identifying deafblindness
∙ A story about living a dignified life with deafblindness
∙ Perspectives on feeling a sense of community and self when becoming deafblind later in life.

Together, we will reflect on and discuss how you can perceive human rights on different levels – from a political to an individual level, and how support might be adjusted to accommodate for the needs for persons with deafblindness.

The theme day is part of a project on deafblindness funded by ERASMUS+. It is relevant for both students, professionals, people with deafblindness and their relatives.
The presentations will be in either English or Danish and Slovene with English interpretation. We look forward to some interesting presentations and fruitful dialogue between both virtual participants and a live audience.

Register here – it is free